A sabre that I have had for a while that one can really read and glean a story from. This is a sword that has been broken in Indian Service and repaired for further use, potentially by a poorer officer who wanted some more use out of a broken sword or it was repaired on campaign when there was no opportunity to find a new one.
The sabre firstly noticable for its unique etching which I have never seen before has had its ricasso removed, presumably the site of the break. The sword has then been reseated with a leather grip and an Indian scabbard of a type normally seen with native made British cavalry weapons. The sabre is incredibly cut centric with a broad curved blade more akin to the blade seen on an 18th century sword than a mid 19th. It's not overly surprising that an officer wouldn't like to lose a blade like this. The scabbard is soft leather and is rather delicate, after a year of feeding the leather it is now supple but requires further care. There are some losses to the grip wire.
The sword can be yours for £295 or best offer.