Another in my series of sword owner profiles, the 1821 light cavalry sabre purchased by Major William Neville Wright (1867-1933) for his son Major John Major Wright (article still being researched) and I found his story compelling enough to deserve its own research. right first gained his commission on the 6th of May 1891 as the Veterinary Surgeon (a position removed from most regiments about a decade earlier) serving under Viscount de Visci in the Honourable Artillery Company soon was promoted by augmentation to the Army as a Veterinary Lieutenant in the Army Veterinary Department. As a Veterinary Surgeon with the AVD Wright served mainly in Bengal and was a veteran of the Relief of Chitral under Sir Robert Low in 1895 where he received a medal with one clasp and then later was the Veterinary Surgeon under Sir William Lockhart in 1897-98 as a member of the Kurram Moveable Column for the duration of the Tirah Campaign. I have found references to Major Wright serving later in the Boxer Rebellion For the duration of the conflict and from 1908 through to 1912 in South Africa. Passing away in 1933 it is likely that Wright saw home service during the First World War after his return from South Africa. Sadly no images of this soldier can be found so far so I will have to stick to images of his sword, I will update this article should any images or further information on his Chinese or African service be found. Many thanks to Jay Cassidy for his help in researching Major Wright.
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