An exceptional example of an early 18th-century continental hanger or gentleman sidearm.
This piece is likely French in origin as I have found this hilt cast in silver, bearing French tax stamps dating it to between 1732 to 1738. The blade is engraved with animal motifs and a stylised heart alongside the text "PRO DEO ET PATRIA", Latin translating to, For God and Country. The blade is likely a Solingen piece for the French market as it bears the arrow often found on Solingen marked blades. The hilt is cast in bronze with a hunting scene of a hunter riding down his prey, the quillon is a gargoyle's head, the knucklebow is one I have not seen before showing a rampant stag. The grip is an eight-sided faceted piece of carved hardwood with a lobed terminal seen occasionally on continental pieces manufactured in the colonies with European marked blades. The blade whilst showing wear, understandable with its age, is in good condition and retains some of its original blue and gilt finish.
This exceptional sword can be yours for £550 or best offer. Reduced to £425 for Swordvent!